The University of California (UC) Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program guarantees admission to UC campuses for eligible California community college students.
TAG allows eligible students to transfer to a UC campus without going through the regular application process. To be eligible, students must complete specified coursework and meet other requirements.
The TAG program is a great opportunity for California community college students interested in transferring to a UC campus. It guarantees admission, which can save time and hassle during the application process.
Students who apply should ensure they meet all the eligibility requirements and complete the required coursework.
1. Introduction to the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program
The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program was created to help California community college students transfer to a UC campus. The program guarantees admission to students who meet specific requirements, which vary depending on the campus.
TAG provides students with a clear path to transferring to a UC school, helping them to save time and money. The program also offers many resources to participating students, such as advising and counseling services.
In addition, TAG programs promote student success by helping students plan their academic paths and select courses that will prepare them for transfer.
Participation in a TAG program allows students to plan their education and ensure admission to a UC school. The program also offers benefits such as priority consideration for housing and early access to course registration.
For students interested in transferring to a UC school, the TAG program is an excellent way to guarantee admission and take advantage of various benefits.
2. Eligibility requirements for the TAG program
California Community College Students
The UC TAG is a great way for students to ensure their spot at their dream school. TAG guarantees admission to one of the participating UC campuses for eligible California community college students.

Transferable Units
Students must be in good standing and adequately fulfill the requirements for guaranteed admission.
In order to be eligible, students must complete:
- 30 UC transferable semester units by the end of the summer before the fall semester, to which they will be applying.
- Must also meet English and Math requirements as indicated in the TAG matrix, which may vary by campus.
- Additionally, they must meet GPA requirements as indicated in the TAG matrix, which may vary by campus.
However, there are some exceptions to who can apply for TAG. Students who already have a Bachelor’s degree, a graduate degree, or a professional degree are not eligible.
Similarly, students who were previously enrolled at a UC (not including summer) cannot TAG the UC they attended.
Finally, students who are currently enrolled at UC are not able to apply. For all other eligible students, TAG is a great way to guarantee admission into their desired UC school.
TAG UC Limitations and Further Requirements
To be eligible for transfer to the University of California system, students must have completed at least 30 UC transferable semester units by the September filing period.
Additionally, students must have an additional 30 UC transferable coursework units completed by the end of the Spring term for 60 UC transferable units.
Coursework from Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes can be used to satisfy these TAG requirements.
However, please note that UC Santa Barbara has limitations on using AP/IB for the TAG – see TAG matrix for details.
Additionally, UC Davis TAG requires students to maintain full-time student status; students can explain if they are attending CCC part-time.
Finally, students should be aware that UC may limit credit for duplicating similar or the same courses. Other UC Santa Cruz Merced requirements may be applicable but not listed here.
TAG Dates and Deadlines
To successfully pursue the TAG program, students must complete the following steps:
- Complete the online TAG application before the September 30th deadline. The TAG UC application filing period runs from September 1-30th.
- Fulfill all remaining coursework and necessary GPA requirements after submitting the TAG application.
- Every TAG program is a written agreement with the various UC programs. It is strongly recommended that you communicate with the UC campus TAG adviser that you are interested in.
- Submit a regular admission application for us. The application period for the fall term is November 1-30th. For spring/Winter admission, students should submit application materials between July 1-31.
- TAG and UC fall admission applications are different, and both must be submitted. Submitting the TAG application alone is not sufficient to fulfill the requirements.
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Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their community college counselor prior to completing/submitting the TAG application.
Please note: that transfer students do not have to participate in TAG to be considered for the regular admissions process. Approximately two-thirds of transfer students admitted to UC do not have a TAG. Non-TAG students simply apply for UC admission during the appropriate application filing period.
What Schools Participate in TAG
Six out of the ten UC campuses participate in the TAG program. These include:
- UC Davis,
- UC Irvine,
- UC Merced,
- UC Riverside,
- UC Santa Barbara,
- UC Santa Cruz.
Tips for students interested in applying to the TAG program
If you’re a student interested in applying to the TAG program, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Major Preparation Courses
First, you’ll need to ensure you’ve finished all your major preparation courses. These are typically completed during the spring term prior to applying for admission. Completing major prep courses will only help improve the prospect of acceptance during TAG decisions.
Strong Academic Record
In addition, you’ll need to have a strong academic record and demonstrate your commitment to your chosen field of study. Any of the six UC campuses could ask for a transfer academic update to ensure you maintain adequate grades in the Spring term before transferring.
Focusing on the End Goal
The TAG program is highly competitive, so it’s important that you put your best foot forward when applying. By taking the time to prepare thoroughly, you’ll increase your chances of being admitted to the program and ultimately achieving your goal of earning a degree from a top-ranked university.
Whatever your chosen major and campus, you’ll need to meet UC’s minimum requirements for transfer admissions. A main navigation tool for the UC TAG application is the UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP).
All UC application and TAG requirements are reflected on this tool, enabling students to input their coursework and identify education paths for transfer.
You can also check the relevant TAG agreement for the specific schools. For example, TAG requirements for UC Davis are reflected on their TAG page, along with the TAG Matrix.
Check regularly to make sure you’re on track for transfer and can submit a UC application during the appropriate filing period. You (and your advisors) can use the UC TAP tool to plan and track your progress.
For example:
If you’re a computer science major or biological sciences major, you’ll be taking lots of science and math courses. But don’t forget—you also need to take humanities and/or social sciences courses to fulfill UC minimum requirements.
Students who want to participate in the TAG program must submit a UC application during the appropriate filing period. The UC application is different from the TAG application, and both must be submitted in order to be eligible.
Make sure you consult with your community college counselor prior to submitting either application. Keep in mind that completing major prep courses will only help improve your chances of being accepted into the TAG program.
It’s important to put your best foot forward when applying, so prepare thoroughly and submit the necessary documents on time. Use the UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) tool to track your progress and ensure you’re on track for transfer.
Thank you for reading! If you are a high school senior or current community college student in California, please visit our website to learn more about how we can help you with the transfer process.
We provide comprehensive and individualized transfer planning services, transcript reviews, and personal statement editing. We also encourage you to consider contributing to our organization so that we can assist future students in achieving their educational goals.
Thank you again for your support!