The University of California (UC) system is one of the most prestigious and competitive university systems in the United States. With campuses located all over the state, UC offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs for students to choose from.
Every year, a quarter of a million students apply to UCs. The University of California system received over 211,000 freshmen applications to its nine campuses last year and approximately 40,000 transfer applications.
Each campus has its admission requirements and deadlines, so it can be not easy to track when decisions are released. This article will provide an overview of when does UC results come out and which campuses have started releasing findings.
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When Do UC Decisions Come Out?
The University of California campuses will generally release admission decisions between March 14 and 27, with a few UC campuses sending out UC admission results for freshman admission on a rolling basis.
Freshman and Transfer Applicants
UC Decision Date & Deadlines
The Fall Quarter/Semester Dates: October 1 – November 30
Winter Semester/Quarter Dates: July 1 – 31
Please note: Some UC campuses differ in the semester or quarterly systems. For example, UC Berkeley and UC Merced are on the semester system calendar, while all other campuses are on the quarter system calendar.
Most UC campuses abide by the same UC Admissions criteria when making admission decisions. Every campus is open and available at the beginning of the Fall Term.
According to the UC Website, starting in Fall 2023, the UC system is extending the application submission period. Students can submit a UC application between October 1 – November 30.
UC Campuses
- UC Berkeley
- UC San Diego
- UC Merced
- UC Santa Cruz
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Davis
- UC Riverside
- UC Los Angeles (UCLA)

When is the UC TAG Deadline?
TAG (Transfer Admissions Guarantee) is available only at six UC campuses in certain academic programs, and students must file between September 1 and September 30. According to the UC website, a TAG agreement:
“is a formal, written agreement that provides guaranteed admission to California community college students who meet and fulfill specific requirements.”
Many UC campuses do not offer a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program or any form of guaranteed admission. Student admissions decisions are controlled by the independent bodies within the UC campus you selected.
In other words, the members who work at the UC Riverside admissions office will evaluate your application if you indeed applied to UC Riverside.
Related Reading: Using UC TAP for UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Program
Checking your UC Application Portal
So you submitted your UC application to a wonderful UC campus. Whether it was UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, or UCLA, students who applied will receive an admission decision via their UC application portal.
Freshman applicants will receive admission or waitlist offers through the UC Application portal. Ultimately, answering the question “When does UC results come out” it is safe to say students should expect a UC admissions decision by mid-March.
Transfer admission decisions will be released to every eligible transfer student who successfully claimed themselves as a prospective transfer applicant. The admission consideration is the same throughout the UC campus community, including the appeal process should you be denied admission but awaiting the waitlist offer.
Acceptance of Admission (UC Decision Date)
After each campus you’ve applied to has reviewed your application, they will either give you a Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) form or direct you to a UC website.
Once there, use the provided means to declare whether you accept or decline their admission offer. If you are offered admission to any UC campus, you can only accept admission offers from one UC campus.
For example, suppose you applied to UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Merced, and UC Davis and were accepted to all four institutions. In that case, you will have to select and report on SIR to the institution you are most interested in attending. There is also the potential for the UC decision date to differ amongst different UC schools.
Therefore it is difficult to answer the question “When Do UC Acceptances Come Out 2023?” or “When Do UC Decisions Come Out?” because the basis for answering the questions lies in a multitude of factors, including what major you entered in your UC application and what UC school you selected.
However, it is highly recommended that you wait until hearing back from all campuses before declaring anything.

Some students will receive waitlist offers which signify a place in the incoming class should those accepted students choose to go elsewhere. Receiving a waitlist offer should not be construed as an offer of admission or proclaimed to guarantee that you will be an admitted student to the UC that waitlists you.
Related: UC Waitlist: What You Need to Know for Success
Students must engage with the waitlist offers by the desired opt-in deadline. Moreover, there is no recourse to the appeal process for students on the waitlist.
Transfer admission decisions will be released to those students who successfully completed the UC application on the UC website and have successfully submitted their final transcripts, any new and compelling information, and their major preparation coursework before receiving admissions decisions.
The UC Decision date for transfer students and applicants will follow similar UC decision date situations. In other words, transfer students will answer the question, “when do UC decisions come out?” by simply remembering that they will receive UC acceptances at around the same time as freshman UC applicants.
Recommended Reading: Transfer College Using ASSIST
If you are admitted for the fall term, you must submit your SIR by May 1. For most campuses, this process is done online.
If you have to mail a paper form, make sure these dates postmark it. Applicants admitted at a later date or for winter or spring should respond according to the deadline in their offer of admission.
You may only accept admission to one campus. You cannot transfer your acceptance from one campus to another after you declare your intent to register. A $250 non-refundable deposit must accompany your acceptance.
Fulfilling Transfer Academic Update (TAU)
Transfer students must update their grades and course records after applying. To do so, provide your final grades from the previous term and list all courses in progress or planned for the term before you expect to enroll.
Your updates will ensure UC campuses have access to your most current academic information.
Even if you have no in-progress or planned courses, nor any gaps in your original application’s record of course grades, log into your application and complete the Transfer Academic Update (TAU).
If you are enrolling in the Winter/Spring of 2023, students must submit a TAU by September 30, 2022, the priority deadline.
All grades earned through the Summer of 2021 and planned coursework for the Fall of 2022 will be included.
If you are enrolling in Fall 2023, students must submit the appropriate TAU by January 31, 2023, the priority deadline.
Included in this TAU will be Fall 2022 coursework and grades, as well as planned coursework for Spring 2023 and Summer 2023 (if applicable).
Financial Aid
By March 2, students must complete all necessary Financial Aid applications to receive financial aid and resources. FAFSA and the California Dream Act application are available on-campus or through your institution’s website.
It is critical to turn this information in as quickly as possible while ensuring everything is up-to-date and accurate to the best of your ability.
Financial Aid applications are received and reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you cannot pay for school without federal aid, make sure you submit your Financial Aid application by the March 2 deadline.
California Dream Act
The California Dream Act Application is an application for state and university aid. It is not an application for federal financial aid. To qualify, students must:
- Attended at least three full years in a California public or private high school.
- Be protected under AB 540
- Students who cannot file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Have graduated from a California High School or attained the equivalent before starting the college term.
This law was implemented so that all students, regardless of their background, have an equal opportunity to attend college and pursue their dreams.
The California Dream Act Application gives these students access to the same state and university financial aid as any other student who meets the eligibility requirements.

Consequently, it removes one of the barriers undocumented students face in higher education. All students deserve an equal chance at success, and the California Dream Act Application helps to level the playing field.
Transfer applicants can utilize this program to attend a UC campus but submitting the application before the UC application deadline is necessary to receive admission decisions.
The UC application process is complicated if you are unaware of the dates and deadlines to submit an application. This blog post looked to answer the fundamental question of when UC decisions come out. Although it will vary for every applicant, most students hear whether they were accepted or rejected by March 1.
However, the past precedent has shown that the window for admission decisions can go until May 1st, while transfer admissions decisions can be released in April. Whether you want to study on the stunning beaches of UC San Diego or UC Santa Barbara, the admission process for UC applications is straightforward. The student only needs to submit one application to all nine UC campuses.