Our Philosophy
At its core, our philosophy is simple – serve with whatever we have, and trust that the rest will fall into place. This principle guides everything we do, from the work we put into our programs to the way we fundraise. We don’t chase grants or seek out sponsorships – instead, we rely on the generosity of those who are moved by our work. And while it might not be the most conventional approach, it has served us well so far. People often ask us how we keep everything going, and the answer is always the same – we serve with what we have, and trust that the universe will provide. So far, it has yet to let us down.

FAQs Nonprofit Donation Page
What is CTSN's Employer Identification Number (EIN)/tax ID?
CTSN’s EIN is 87-4741902. For easy location, this number can also be found at the very bottom of every CTSN webpage (located in the footer).
CTSN can be found on the IRS Exempt Organizations list or by filling in the following information:
EIN: 87-4741902
Legal Name: California Transfer Support Network
State of Incorporation: California
Country: US
Are Donations Tax Deductible?
Yes, donations are tax-deductible. California Transfer Support Network is a public charity 501(c)(3). Please ensure you follow all applicable laws that govern your state for charitable expenditures and tax considerations.
What does CTSN do?
CTSN eases the process of transferring for California community college students. We provide resources and support so that these students can make informed decisions throughout their academic journey. Our services include reviewing student transcripts for credit evaluations, polishing resumes and college applications for competitive admissions, and supporting parents/students with workshops describing the California community college transfer process.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation helps us provide resources and support to California community college students. We use donations to develop and maintain our website, create marketing materials, and train student mentors. We also wish to start a scholarship program but only want to do this when we have the funds to provide them consistently.
When can I expect to receive a receipt for my donation?
You will receive an email confirmation of your donation immediately.
If you have any questions that were not answered here, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Why should I donate to California Transfer Support Network?
There are many reasons to donate to the California Transfer Support Network (CTSN). As a small organization, we focus on improving transfer rates amongst a student population that is often overlooked. Community college students are not typical students; they are single moms, working adults, and students from low-income backgrounds who have to deal with outside stressors that can impact their college experience. They often have difficulty transferring, so providing free resources to these students is essential to help them reach their goals. CTSN is committed to ensuring that these students have the resources they need to transfer to a four-year college or university successfully.
When you donate to CTSN, you can be confident that your money will be used to support these students directly. In addition, your donation will have a far more significant impact on our small organization than on a larger one. By donating to CTSN, you can help us make a real difference in the lives of California’s community college students.