UCSB has a lot to offer students. But one of the best things about UCSB is the Transfer Admission Guarantee program.
TAG guarantees admission to any student who meets specific academic requirements and completes their transfer application on time.
And that’s not all. TAG also offers priority registration, which means you can get into the classes you want without worrying about being waitlisted.
So, if you’re considering transferring to UCSB, search for the Transfer Admission Guarantee program. It could be just what you’re looking for.
Keep reading for more information about the TAG Program. Please refer to the TAG Matrix for further details.
What is Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)?
The Transfer Admission Guaranteed (TAG) is a University of California system-wide initiative that guarantees admission to UC Santa Barbara for transfer students who meet specific requirements.
TAG was created for a specific reason: to help struggling community college students receive the necessary support to transfer to a California institution of higher education.
Six UC campuses offer the TAG program:
- UC Davis
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Merced
- UC Irvine
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Cruz.
Other UC colleges like UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, and UCLA do NOT offer TAG eligibility and do NOT have guaranteed admission. TAG does not apply to any four-year college outside the California higher education system.
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The idea is that by providing additional support and resources, these students will be able to catch up to their peers and succeed in school.
While the program is still relatively new, it has already shown promise in helping students improve their grades and learn more effectively.
With the community’s continued support, the TAG initiative will likely continue to grow and positively impact the lives of its participants.
The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)
The University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) is a sizeable four-year institution located on the coast, about 100 miles north of Los Angeles.
UCSB has a student body of over 24,000 students and is one of 10 schools in the UC system.
UCSB offers undergraduate degrees in over 200 majors, as well as graduate and doctoral degrees in a variety of fields. The school is known for its vital academic programs, beautiful campus location, and active student life.

In addition to academic excellence, UCSB is also known for its party scene. UCSB students are notoriously party-goers, and the school has been ranked as one of the nation’s top “party schools.”
However, UCSB is not just a party school; it’s also a great place to get an education. With rigorous academics and vibrant student life, it’s no wonder UCSB is one of the most popular universities in the country.
The average admitted student has a GPA of 3.7 and an SAT score of 1400. However, UCSB also considers many other factors when making admissions decisions, such as extracurricular activities, personal essays, and letters of recommendation.
Related: When do UC Decisions Come Out?
UCSB Transfer Students
Students attain eligibility for admission to UCSB if they meet the minimum requirements for regular admission considerations.
A “selection criteria” is used to select more competitive students than those completing the minimum requirements.
All students, regardless of the institution they transfer from, will have an equal opportunity to be evaluated.

UCSB admits only those applying as a transfer for junior-level coursework and can only begin in the fall quarter.
With a transfer admit rate of close to 50% and one third of our incoming class being students who transferred, UCSB is a transfer-friendly campus where your educational goals are our top priority.
UCSB Office of Adissions
UCSB Transfer Admissions Requirements
- Complete 60 semesters or 90 quarter units of transferable college credit with a grade point average of at least 2.4 for CA residents and at least 2.8 for non-residents.
- Please ensure that no more than 21 quarter units (or 14-semester units) are taken as P/NP (Pass/No Pass).
- More selective majors require a particular GPA of 3.4 and above.
- Complete the seven-course pattern requirement, earning a grade of C or better. All courses must be transferable and include the following:
- Two studies in English composition.
- One course in mathematics exceeds classes such as intermediate algebra, college algebra, precalculus, or statistics.
- Four courses from among two of the following areas:
- Arts and Humanities
- Behavioral and Social Sciences
- Biological and Physical Sciences
To be eligible, the last term of coursework that the student submits must be at a community college. Some students take the initiative to enroll in multiple community colleges to prevent missing out on a major preparation course that is needed for transfer. Look for classes to enroll in that are approved via the assist website and consult with your CC counselor.
Steps for UCSB Guaranteed Transfer Admission Programs
The online TAG application opens on September 1st and the deadline to complete a TAG agreement is September 30.
Regular consideration for admission to the UC system runs from October 1-November 30.
TAG at UCSB is generally open for all UCSB College of Letters and Sciences majors. However, performing arts majors are required to audition to be considered for admission.
Related Reading: Using UC TAP for UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Program
If you are looking at other majors, such as business administration, seek the TAG agreement between the school and note if your intended major is listed.
Some majors at UCSB are not qualified for TAG, including majors from the College of Creative Studies and Engineering.
To know whether your major preparation will be applicable for UCSB TAG consideration, please refer to the ASSIST website, and select the articulation agreements section between UCSB and the CA community college you are attending.
UCSB Fall Admission 2023 Requirements
Full details are posted on the UCSB TAG 2023 PDF. For quick reference, here are some of the essential TAG requirements:
- Have 45 quarter units (30 UC-transferable semester units) completed by the September 30 deadline.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.4 for all transferable courses by the end of the fall term of 2022.
- Complete a course in the UC-M discipline by the end of Fall 2022.
- Fulfill the course requirements for UC-E by the end of Fall 2022 and ensure the second course is completed by the end of Spring 2023.
- Submit a traditional Undergraduate application to UCSB selecting the same major as the one you listed in your TAG application.
- Identify the necessary preparation requirements for all Biology, Economics, Mathematics, and Physics majors.
- Establish a course plan that guarantees you have 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable coursework by the end of the Spring 2023 term.
Pupils have the main navigation hub on the TAG website. They should generate a specific plan that is efficient for them and prioritizes proper deadlines.
Other colleges have different requirements, and you must speak with your community college counselor and the university representatives for the correct information.
For additional information, please refer to the UCSB TAG webpage.
California Community College Benefits
Are you a California community college student? If so, then you are suitable for the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program.
TAG is designed to help minority and economically disadvantaged learners transfer to a California public university.
TAG was created in response to the fact that minority and low-income scholars are underrepresented in California’s public universities.
TAG guarantees admission to suitable pupils from participating community colleges. To be eligible, students must meet specific academic requirements, including maintaining a minimum GPA.
TAG benefits community college students by providing a guaranteed pathway to transfer into a public university.
This is especially helpful for students with other responsibilities, such as work or family obligations, that might make it difficult to attend a traditional four-year university.
In addition, TAG offers support services that can help students navigate the transfer process.
If you’re interested in learning more about TAG, or if you think you might be eligible, contact your community college counselor or visit the website of the school you are interested in.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I have to complete all major preparation courses before applying for TAG?
It depends. For majors considered “selective” (i.e., Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Economics, and Physics), the required major preparation courses must be completed by the fall term before enrolling.
Search for the colleges and universities you want to attend and check to see if there are articulation agreements to have direct access to the major courses needed.
Recommended Reading: Transfer College Using ASSIST Org | California Transfer Support
When can I expect to receive my TAG decision?
If you submit the UC TAG application, you can prepare for a decision by mid-late April.
Are you actually guaranteed admission with TAG?
Yes, as long as you cover all the requirements and eligibility criteria, you will be guaranteed admission. The TAG application for UCSB has to be submitted in September, while the UC application is not necessary until October or November.
What is the Transfer Academic Update?
Once you have applied to any UC school, you must submit a transfer academic update. This is a process whereby you submit the grades and planned courses for the fall and spring terms before transferring.
You must maintain the required GPA at any community college you attend. You can identify the applicable program requirements using the search option on the UCSB or relevant UC college website.
Your Fall term and spring term are critical in maintaining your admission offer (if you were awarded) and can determine what admissions offices look at. If you were not eligible for a transfer guarantee, your application would still be considered under the normal UC application process.
Overall, California community college students are critical to the environment of UC campuses. The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program promotes access to higher education by prioritizing community colleges.
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