The University of California (UC) offers a Transfer Admission Guarantee (UC TAG) program, which guarantees admission to six campuses for students who meet specific requirements.
This program is open to all California Community College (CCC) students and assures that the student will be admitted to a specific UC TAG campus.
Students can ensure their place at one of the country’s most prestigious public university systems by participating in this phenomenal program.
The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) is a program that guarantees admission to UC transfer students who meet specific requirements.
Who Can File TAG?
California Community College Students
Students who come directly from a California Community College are eligible for guaranteed admission to the University of California schools that participate in the TAG program.
This also includes international students (who have the proper Visa paperwork).
Not Eligible for a TAG
- Those students who have already earned a graduate, bachelor’s, or professional degree are not eligible for TAG.
- When the TAG application was submitted, students received dual enrollment credit or concurrently enrolled in high school.
To be eligible for the TAG program, students must complete certain coursework and maintain a minimum GPA.
- Have completed 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit by the end of the spring term prior to transfer.
- Have a GPA of at least 2.4 in all transferable courses.
- Be on track to complete the remaining coursework required for admission to their selected UC campus, including general education and upper-division major preparation requirements, if applicable.
- Submit an official TAG application by the deadline.
- Meet all other minimum UC admission requirements, including the foreign language requirement.
Students interested in TAG must consult with a counselor at their community college for more information and assistance with the application process.
The UC transfer admission guarantee program is a great opportunity for eligible community college students to attend their choice of UC campus.
Related Reading: Using UC TAP for UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Program
Students who think they might meet the criteria should consult with a counselor at their community college to get started on the application process.
Students accepted into the TAG program are guaranteed admission to their chosen UC campus, provided they meet all eligibility requirements.
Only Six UC campuses Participate in the TAG program.
UC Campus Not Participating in TAG agreement

Check the TAG Matrix
The University of California provides a comprehensive and effective resource for all things related to the TAG application and requirements.
The TAG Matrix lists all the TAG eligibility requirements and criteria that have to be met for each UC and major.
You can only submit one application for a single major. Therefore, you must ensure that the major you declare has an affiliated guaranteed admission program with the participating University of California campus.
Make sure you meet the criteria listed in the matrix, or you will not be guaranteed admission.
Speak with your community college counselor and the campus tag adviser to identify the necessary requirements and major preparation for your chosen campus.
The Transfer Admission Guarantee program is designed to help transfer students transition to UC and provides them with resources and support.
To pursue the TAG UC program, students must:
- Submit an online TAG application during the appropriate file period.
- Students enrolling for Fall Admission are required to submit the TAG application from September 1-30, 2022.
- May 1-31 for students enrolling in Winter or Spring 2024.
- After the application is submitted, students must finish all remaining coursework and maintain the GPA requirements designated by the institution.
Please Note: Those who receive TAG or UC Admission decisions will still need to maintain that all of their academic information is available upon time for review.
Students who think they can drop a course or earn P/NP credit in coursework after being accepted will be subsequently denied.
Moreover, you will be considered for the regular admissions process if you do not have the TAG requirements completed upon the deadline.
Guaranteed admission applications will be considered under the regular admission process if they do not meet the requirements or guidelines for UC-guaranteed admission.
Students will still have an entire transferable semester to fulfill courses for the regular UC admissions cycle. They can fulfill the courses that were not completed for eligibility in the guaranteed admission program.

You can enroll in the fall term. If traditional transfer requirements are met, the institution will accept you regardless of your recent push to be accepted through the guaranteed admission pathway.
All eligible and accepted students have to submit a transfer academic update that shows the current and planned coursework for the remaining semesters before transferring successfully.
Some major preparation work will have to be completed depending on the impact of the major and whether the TAG requirements differ from other UCs.
For example, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, and others, reflect different coursework requirements for the specific major preparation work you are working towards.
Suppose you are submitting an application with more selective majors, like Biological Sciences or Computer Science.
In that case, you should follow the articulation agreement (written agreement between your colleges attended and the UC campus) to ensure your units completed match the requirements.
UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP Account)
The University of California has a Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP), allowing prospective UC students to identify and plan their transfer coursework.
Students can use their UC TAP account to enter all coursework from their current California community college and identify the UC application filing period deadlines.

Moreover, students with Advanced Placement (AP) credit can speak with a transfer center evaluator to identify if any courses exempt them from upper-division coursework.
Recommended Reading: When do UC Decisions Come Out?
For more information on the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee program, please visit the UC website.
As noted earlier, your best resource for the UC guaranteed admission process is to speak with your community college counselor and the University of California admissions staff.
Related: Guaranteed Admission to UCSB (TAG)
Whether you are looking to attend UC Santa Cruz or another one of the prestigious University of California campuses, the best way to guarantee success is to ensure you will transfer with a guaranteed spot at the UC of your choice.
Whether you are looking to attend UC Santa Cruz or another one of the prestigious University of California campuses, the best way to guarantee success is to ensure you will transfer with a guaranteed spot at the UC of your choice.
Let us help you submit your application for transfer to ensure you are putting your best foot forward. Our services are completely free for all eligible California community college students.
Contact Us if you are interested in learning more about the TAG program offered at UC and see if you are eligible.
Consider making a tax-deductible Donation if you support our mission and want to create more opportunities for California community college transfer students.